Volume 14, Issue 1 (2024)                   ORMR 2024, 14(1): 23-75 | Back to browse issues page

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chitsazian A, Adeli Jazeb A H, Yaghoubalipourkoundelaji A. Systematic conceptualization of employee turnover with emphasis on antecedent factors using metasynthesis method. ORMR 2024; 14 (1) :23-75
URL: http://ormr.modares.ac.ir/article-28-73215-en.html
1- Assistant Professor, Faculty of Financial Science, Management and EntrepreneurshipT University of kashan, Iran. , achitsazian1361@gmail.com
2- Master's student, Department of Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management, Faculty of Islamic Studies and Management, Imam Sadiq University(AS), Tehran, Iran.
3- PhD student, Department of Decision Sciences and Complex Systems, Faculty of Islamic Studies and Management, Imam Sadiq University(AS), Tehran, Iran.
Abstract:   (834 Views)
Employee turnover is one of the most important challenges of organizations, which neglecting it can bring a lot of costs to the organization. An important part of the factors that influence the act of leaving the service of employees are known as factors that form the intention or intent to leave the service in employees, which can be called as antecedent factors. The aim of this study is to systematically conceptualize employee turnover with an emphasis on antecedent factors using metacomposite method. In this study, 175 studies that investigated the factors of employees leaving the service were identified and analyzed. The findings of this study showed that the antecedent factors of employees leaving the service can be placed in three general categories: a) Individual factors: including demographic factors of employees; mental and psychological capital; Career Success; b) job factors: including job satisfaction; Organizational Commitment; Quality of working life; c) organizational factors (internal and external): including macroeconomic factors; work experience in the organization; work-family relations; Organizational support; Organizational justice and finally communication with the manager. These factors can directly (such as the quality of work life) or indirectly (such as lack of job satisfaction) affect the act of leaving the service of employees. This study emphasizes the importance of paying attention to the antecedent factors of employees leaving the service. Managers and organizations can prevent the actual leaving of employees by identifying and eliminating the factors that lead to leaving the service and save themselves from serious challenges in the future.
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Article Type: Systematic Review | Subject: Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management
Received: 2024/01/1 | Accepted: 2024/03/12 | Published: 2024/06/30

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