Volume 2, Issue 1 (2012)                   ORMR 2012, 2(1): 91-112 | Back to browse issues page

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Autonomy support environments and Job involvement among University of Tehran’s employees: The mediating role of Basic psychological needs.. ORMR 2012; 2 (1) :91-112
URL: http://ormr.modares.ac.ir/article-28-477-en.html
Abstract:   (7994 Views)
Autonomy support environments and Job involvement among University of Tehran’s employees: The mediating role of Basic psychological needs. As feedback and an important variable in enhancing an organization’s effectiveness, job involvement causes and consequences recognition is of great importance to managers, and an ultimate goal for organizational behavior management. Considering the importance of self-motivation in job involvement, it is necessary to illuminate job involvement through a motivation theory, for instance: self-determination theory. This theory states that work conditions which allow basic psychological needs fulfillment, pave the way for job involvement. Little research studying the relationship between these needs’ fulfillment and employees’ job involvement have been conducted, which calls for more research on this subject. This research is based on a correlation analysis, utilizing structure equation modeling methods. The Statistical population studied here is all of Tehran University’s employees, through which 113 people have been randomly chosen. Research findings show that autonomy support environments have a significant effect on fulfilling mental needs (0.6) , and that mental needs fulfillment, in turn, has a direct significant effect on job involvement (0.54). Moreover, indirect effects of autonomy support on job involvement’s significance (0.33), indicates the intermediary role of mental needs fulfillment in relation to these two variables.
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Article Type: scientific research | Subject: a
Received: 2012/03/9 | Accepted: 2013/04/28 | Published: 2013/04/28

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