1- Department of Business, Hazrat-e- Masoumeh University (HMU),Qom, Iran. , s.emami@hmu.ac.ir
2- Assistant Professor, Department of Executive Management, Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences, University of Mazandaran , Babolsar, Iran.
Abstract: (1558 Views)
Studies show that each person makes an average of 35,000 decisions per day. Although this number is highly exaggerated, it cannot be denied that we make countless decisions on a daily basis. Decision fatigue refers to the fact that making repeated decisions impairs a person's ability to make fully informed and rational subsequent decisions. Therefore, the state of ego depletion, especially as a result of repeated decisions, is called decision fatigue. The lived experience of researchers along with senior managers in different organizations is the origin of this study. The results of this study show that from the set of managers' behavioral strategies, the person acts as a completely rational decision maker. But the evidence shows otherwise. This is true not only for ordinary people, but also for some highly trained professionals. The current study is a qualitative research that was conducted using the narrative research method. The qualitative data in this study is in the form of narratives derived from in-depth interviews with 11 senior managers in the public sector, which were analyzed using thematic analysis. The findings indicate that the causes of decision fatigue are personality traits, interpersonal issues, work difficulty threshold, and organizational factors.
Article Type:
Qualitative Research |
Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management Received: 2023/07/12 | Accepted: 2023/08/22 | Published: 2023/04/30