1- Organizational behavior Ph.D. candidate, faculty of management & economics, TarbiatModares University (TMU), Tehran, Iran.
2- Associate professor, public administration department, faculty of management & economics, TarbiatModaresUniversity (TMU), Tehran, Iran. , khaefelahi@modares.ac.ir
3- Professor, public administration department, faculty of management & economics, TarbiatModaresUniversity (TMU), Tehran, Iran.
4- Assistant professor, public administration department, faculty of management & economics, TarbiatModares University (TMU), Tehran, Iran.
Abstract: (1446 Views)
The high rate of extensive changes in the contemporary environment creates more difficult conditions for organizations and disrupts their performance. Therefore, the ability of organizations to maintain proper performance has become important in recent years despite the crises that have occurred. One of the important issues in this situation is how can improve the reliability of organizations or the ability to maintain their proper performance in crisis conditions. Organizational reliability has two hard and soft areas that the dimensions of its hard area have attracted the attention of researchers for several decades but the dimensions of its soft area have been less addressed. In this way, despite the scope of wide application and the recent theoretical attention focused on the dimensions of the soft area of organizational reliability, still the dimensions and components of this type of reliability have not been identified and formulated in a way that can help its implementation in organizations. Therefore, this research has tried to extract main and sub-themes and codes which were renamed the soft dimensions, components and indicators of organizational reliability by using the sequential exploratory mixed research design based on semi-structured interviews and review of published articles and using thematic analysis method (qualitative research) and in the second step, use confirmatory factor analysis to determine construct validity. The obtained result is a valid measure for measuring reliability in organizations.
Article Type:
Original Research |
Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management Received: 2023/01/1 | Accepted: 2023/03/4 | Published: 2023/06/12