Volume 7, Issue 2 (2017)                   ORMR 2017, 7(2): 193-209 | Back to browse issues page

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Hadavinejad M, asadzadeh S. Exploring the consequences of toxic organization using ISM approach. ORMR 2017; 7 (2) :193-209
URL: http://ormr.modares.ac.ir/article-28-11786-en.html
Abstract:   (5296 Views)
The toxicity in organizations has became a pervasive phenomenon in everyday organizational life. Since, investigating and recognizing the nature and identity of toxic organizations have drawn attention of theorists and researchers to itself. In this regard, the purpose of this study is designing the interpretive structural model of toxic organization’s consequences. For this purpose, after studying literature and identifying consequences of toxic organizations, a half-closed questionnaire embodied consequences was developed based on Likert scale and distributed among 26 experts from administrative organizations in Rafsanjan, using concept and snowball sampling. Based on fuzzy analysis, the questionnaires statements were screened. Then, the other identified consequences of toxic organization were screened and after categorizing consequences of toxic organization, the measure for ISM were developed and distributed among mentioned experts. Finally, data were analyzed and interpretative structural model of studied phenomenon were drew. The model possessed 6 variables in 3 levels (the first level: cognitive, psychological-attitudinal, behavioral, and group consequences; the second: inter-organizational consequences; the third: outer-organizational consequences).
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Article Type: Research Paper | Subject: Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management
Received: 2016/07/24 | Accepted: 2017/08/23 | Published: 2017/09/17

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